Friday, December 27, 2024

Trying out vector embeddings

newsSum is a Google App Engine application that bundle articles from different news sources. To try out ML embeddings, I decided to add a suggestions service.

High-level idea

  • There will be no changes to the backend of "newssum". The suggestion service "newssum-sug" will be implemented as a separate service
  • The frontend of "newssum" will check if the suggestion service "newssum-sug" is available. If so, it will allow the user to expand an article and query the suggestion service for additional information to display

Implementation of the suggestion service

  • Technically, "newssum-sug" could gather suggestions from any sources (e.g. Google search results, a Youtube video etc). But for now, it will process articles from selected "newssum" sources. So, there will be scheduled tasks to collect articles from "newssum" and prepare them for searching.
  • Vector embeddings will be used to find similar articles. A machine learning model is used to turn a news headline into a vector of numbers. When a query comes in, an embedding will also be generated from that query. By comparing the distance between vectors, we could find articles that are related to the query.
  • The embeddings generated during batch processing are stored in a vector database. The database will also provide the mechanism for searching vectors by distance.
  • Since "newssum" is for current news only, embeddings will only be kept for 2 days.
  • The suggestion service can also be used for free-text search. But for now, the frontend only uses it for article suggestions.

While "newssum" is open source, the "newssum-sug" service is still under development in closed source. But the basic functionality has been integrated and available on the demo site.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

A machine learning model to identify music albums from photos


I was looking for a home automation project to select and play specific music album from stream services. There are similar ideas of using NFC tags. Basically, it means preparing some NFC tags with album/movie cover arts on them. And putting a tag on the reader will trigger the playback of that album/movie. While it brings the joy of handling and selecting physical collections, it costs money and time to prepare those NFC tags and I wanted to avoid that.

Since now we have those machine learning models and classifiers, I thought I can just train up a model to look at a webcam photo of a record / CD and tell me the Spotify link to play that album.

BTW, I know Microsoft co-pilot (or maybe OpenAI too) can do it without any special training, but then I don't want to pay extra for that and just wanted to host the model on my own machines.

I imagine it will be something like this:

I put an album in front of a webcam...

... and the model will tell me the Spotify URL to pass on to the music streamer

Long story short, my model can a identify my music collection with a 98% correctness (more on that later). If you are interested in the technical details and the scripts used to train the model, they are available on github:

But eventually I didn't integrate this into my home automation, which is kind of related to the correctness. When I got a new CD / vinyl record, I always add that to my collection on Spotify. So I can just get the cover arts from Spotify to train my model. But then I discovered there are at least two problems that will affect the correctness:

  • there are many editions of the same album. e.g. I could have a physical CD of the standard edition but my Spotify collection has the extended edition with a different song list
  • nowadays artists tend to release an album with several "special" cover arts. My physical copy could look totally different from the one on Spotify

That means I will need to cleanup the data for a more accurate result. As procrastination kicks in, I am stopping the project with just the machine learning model and the home automation part will be a future project.