Trying out the SparkFun Edge board. Seems there are changes to the source repositories and many online instructions are outdated.
For example, to build and deploy the micro_speech example:
#set env
export BAUD_RATE=921600
export DEVICENAME=/dev/ttyUSB0
# compile the code
make micro_speech
# convert the binary. "~work/apollo3/downloads/AmbiqSuiteSDK-master" is where I have the SDK installed
arm-none-eabi-objcopy gen/bin/micro_speech gen/bin/micro_speech.bin -O binary
python ~/work/apollo3/downloads/AmbiqSuiteSDK-master/tools/apollo3_scripts/ --bin gen/bin/micro_speech.bin --load-address 0xC000 --magic-num 0xCB -o gen/bin/micro_speech_nonsecure_ota --version 0x0
python ~/work/apollo3/downloads/AmbiqSuiteSDK-master/tools/apollo3_scripts/ --load-address 0x20000 --bin gen/bin/micro_speech_nonsecure_ota.bin -i 6 -o gen/bin/micro_speech_nonsecure_wire --options 0x1
# deploy
python ~/work/apollo3/downloads/AmbiqSuiteSDK-master/tools/apollo3_scripts/ -b ${BAUD_RATE} ${DEVICENAME} -r 1 -f gen/bin/micro_speech_nonsecure_wire.bin -i 6