之前由於 m-audio rev 5.1 唔出 windows 7 x64 driver, 所以要係底板出 spdif 用住先...
今日終於頂唔住, 上去 VIA 到 download Envy24GT driver, 諗住冇左 m-audio control panel, 有聲出都好過冇:
- open device manager
- right click on M-Audio Revolution 5.1 and select "Update Driver Software..."
- Select "Browse my computer for driver software"
- Select "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
- Click "Have Disk..."
- Browse to the correct map (in my case it was Envy24_Family_DriverV540aVIAEnvyAudDriversV64WD M)
- Select the "Envy24 Family Audio Controller WDM" and click "Next"
係ok work... 不過 by default, 個 device 只係可以 support 48kHz sample rate. 明明 hardware support 都唔放埋 44.1, 192 etc 出黎. 攪到播 CD 的話唔係好掂... 於是要改 registry
小弟只係用佢黎聽歌, 所以改左 VA_CPLSelectSR 做0x08 (44.1 kHz). 改完 reboot... 個 device 就有番 44.1 俾我選... 依家用緊 foobar WASAPI 出 spdif, 音場 and 動態明顯全勝 onboard.