Sunday, January 27, 2008



noon - FOR YOU: noon's best

第一張係 noon 係 2007 年年底推出的首張新曲加精選。之前係 forum 都見過唔少網友推介她的 Jazz CD,今次見有精選碟一於「敗下來」先算。

一播第一首歌 How Long Has This Been Going On? 已經俾佢把溫柔聲線吸引住。唱得清脆俐落,有種好流暢、純樸自然既感覺。本來諗住一路聽一路 rip 下一隻 CD 的…不過最後都乖乖地聽完成隻碟先算。呢隻碟非常適合搵個冬日下午,係窗台上曬住暖暖的陽光,一路飲住咖啡一路細聽~

mondialito - note of dawn


note of dawn 係 2002 年佢地出既第一隻碟。未聽完,只係跳聽左幾首,已經覺得好正… 諗住搵晚要臨瞓前聽住黎入夢~ (好耐冇發夢的說… 白日夢除外 :p)

PS. 喜歡How Long Has This Been Going On?的歌詞…

I could cry salty tears
Where have I been all these years
A little while, tell me now
How long has this been going on?

There were chills, up and down my spine
Yes, there're thrills I can't define
Listen sweet, while I repeat
How long has this been going on?

Oh I could feel that I could melt
Into heaven I'm hurled
Oh I know how Columbus felt
Finding another world

Kiss me once, and then once more
Oh what a dunce I was before
What a break, for heaven's sake
How long has this been going on?

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