Thursday, August 16, 2007


Shortly after moved to my new home, the HD on my ak47 machine went silent... and now finally it is back online again!!

Lessons learned:

- BACKUP! BACKUP! BACKUP!... Re-installing FreeBSD was fast... but configuring it back to the way it was really takes time. This machine serves as my web server, network router, mail server, firewall, VPN server etc. And the last backup I have is from a few months ago. The backup for the blog is even older... orz

- Upgrading Typo (my blog engine) is easy... Thanks to Postgresql and Ruby on Rails. I just needed to install the corresponding FreeBSD packages/ports. Followed by installing Gem and Typo. Then execute the blog's old DB backup script to recreate the DB structure. And finally execute

$ export RAILS_ENV=production
$ rake db:migrate

to upgrade the DB schema. 30 minutes later this blog is back to life (less the articles that were created in the last 6 months as I don't have the backup...@#$@#%#!$)


  1. contingency plan is necessary la ... man ... -_- ~

  2. 不過,我幾喜歡呢個新theme呢 ... 嗯,咁其實lum下機都好,可以睇到呢個新theme ~~~ :)
